Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Costumes of Characters - Joseph Damien

Characters Costumes - Joseph Damien

The only two characters we had within our opening were Joseph Damien and Sara his victim, we did this so that the main focus would be on Joseph and how he behaves.

From looking at types of costumes and watching thriller films such as Se7en, I have seen that the murderer usually is seen in dark and mysterious looking outfits, yet in the day time appears to look normal within their day-to-day activities and their profession. This therefore makes them appear like a normal person and fit in with the crowd, which they intend to do. From this I could then apply this to our characters costume within our opening.

Joseph Damien's outfits:
  • Smart shirt
  • black trousers
  • smart black leather shoes
  • red tie
  • black hoodie
From this the first 3 as listed above show his day time job as a doctor and shows him as being well-educated and professional, whereas the black hoodie contrasts this.
We decided to dress him in smart clothes as he would therefore appear as his characters role and look like he is the caring and compassionate doctor he should be or what the audience thinks he will be within the film. This also fulfils a doctors representation in society of being a role model and saving people's lives.
The black hoodie in the scenes where Joseph walks out of the hospital and then during the night time scenes reflex his mood. The outfit contrasts with the Doctor and shows his personal life and what kind of mind set he has outside work and during night time hours. We used a dark item of clothing as it makes Joseph more mysterious and especially in the dark builds up the tension as it makes him harder to see to others.
In the scene which shows him stepping out of his car from ground level, shows his shoes in which we wanted to point out to the audience that he is wearing odd socks. This shows that his tidy appearance within the first part of the opening is not all what it seems, which links with him not being the type of caring character a doctor is meant to be for the audience. The use of odd socks also conveys his mental state that he is not 'normal'.

Overall I believe our characters costumes suited their role and what we were trying to portray. I think that the use of having a smart individual and the contrasting it with a dark clothed gangsta-like individual is good in showing his different personality and that he is not all what he appears. Although I liked our choice I would have also included him wearing a white lab coat and some doctor-like props such as a stethoscope, so that the audience is more clear on what profession he is in. This is because within the office he could also appear as a business man in smart clothes etc.

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