Inside the office we removed any school related things and props which wouldn't be seen within a medical environment. Outside the window the audience could only see a bike rack which could be seen by the hospital which would be shown later on within the opening. We made sure we also picked a office which included office equipment which a doctor would use and what had a computer in it so we could show or 'Girl Murdered' article which Joseph was looking at.
Titles for our opening film:
We decided to include a title which mentions Corinthians 6:19. We did this because it links our film with a religion which we wanted, as from research we discovered that this was a common theme found within our psycho-thriller genre. Secondly it also shows our characters interest in this section of the bible as he wants to keep people from abusing their bodies.
We included music within our opening as it is a major factor in making the scenes come to life and gives it a more mysterious/tense feel. Music is a good way of also showing characters emotions, therefore we used garage band to create our opening sounds. Garage band allowed us to put beats and sounds together to create the type of music we wanted, this way when the scenes change we could change the sounds to flow into the next piece and use fades in and outs to make it run smoothly. There was a constant sound which was church/God like and linked to our religious theme, this was good when he was scribbling on the bible and went well with his mental health condition.
Like most films we included cast members. Matthew Foster came first as he was the main character which our story is about and appears in every scene. Second was Sara Campeggi as she is shown within our overlaps and flashbacks, as Joseph Damien's victim.
Editing was also included within our opening titles and our group names were listed as we all contributed to editing and filming in some way. Me and Sara filmed the majority of the scenes and we all spent time editing our piece, whether it be during lessons or after school hours. We are very pleased with parts of our editing as we worked it out for ourselves on how to do overlaps and different techniques.
From analysis of other film openings of our genre, such as the film 'Se7en' there included a title saying 'created by' and 'based on a novel'. As our story was thought up by ourselves and not based on a book or another persons idea we decided to use created by.
This is one of the most important titles to show within a film opening, this is because the director/directors organise the characters, props, location etc alone with making sure time is managed well and has a clear vision of what scenes are happening when and what everything should look like.
Alike other films everyone has a production company which produces the movie, such as Walt Disney as one of the most famous. We decided to use 'Rising Suspense' as it originally is our blogger name and decided to link the two together to make Rising Suspense Productions. This is also a good name because it links with our psycho-thriller genre, showing what type of film ours is within the very beginning. We used a camera as it is associated with filming so was a good symbol to use as a logo.
Overall we decided to use pieces of paper which we ripped up and made looked like they were uncared about. We decided to have joseph looking through them and placing them onto his desk. This looked good as it linked to his scribbling on the bible and the scribbly writing used within the titles, showing his mental state in the beginning. We decided to drip red ink on to the paper which then looked like dried blood, linking to his dark personality and represents the theme of murder and death which appears within our opening and story.
Rhianna Henson-Smith
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