Saturday, 8 November 2014

Actors Overview

Joseph Damien - acted by Matthew Foster

Our main character was a male doctor with schizophrenia who believes in 'Your body is a temple' from the bible. This therefore meant that we needed an actor who could look old enough to be a doctor so the audience did not get confused. As no members of our group had family members who were available, we set about finding our main character by asking older members of the sixth form. Matthew Foster was an excellent choice as he is also studying A-level drama and is a keen actor at heart. Matthew was more than happy to play Joseph Damien and came to our first filming day dressed as the character. I found our choice was good because he was easy to work with and as he got in to our character it made it easier to focus on filming and different shots, without worrying too much about acting. Matthew is quite a tall boy and when dressed as a doctor etc could look old enough to have that as his work profession.

Joseph's victim - Sara Campeggi

We decided to have a girl as josephs victim as they are seen as more vulnerable and cannot defend themselves as well as a man could against another male. We wanted our victim to be in her teens as they are more likely to trust others, especially a doctor who is known for helping people. Our character also being in her teenage years links well to our religious theme and his belief that 'your body is a temple' as this age group is more likely to abuse their bodies in some way, whether it be from alcohol, smoking or drugs. This is also why we show Sara smoking, therefore damaging her body which Joseph disagrees with. Sara was our main choice of actress as she is one of our media group members from Rising Suspense Productions and is within the right age range. Furthermore it allowed us to film her effectively when we needed her so we could get the camera work done for more editing time.

Rhianna Henson-Smith

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