Friday, 7 November 2014

Trialling Titles and explanation

We took an idea from the TV show 'Chicago Fire', where they use duck tape to write their names onto their lockers. We therefore thought that by placing the title onto an object during the film wold be quite sneaky/ clever (as we have the Dr in the name and 6:19 as the locker number). 

We also thought it would be good if we put our names onto the surrounding lockers, so my name is on the left, Sara's is on the right and Rhianna's is below!

For the font of our title, we would quite like a dribbling font, such as the ones below. We would prefer a handwritten font in white, however the ones below do look sleek (as if they are written with someone's finger in blood)!

By Maddy Fox and Sara Campeggi

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