Friday, 7 November 2014

Hospital location in our opening

We decided that our main character being a doctor called Joseph Damien, we did this because the profession of a doctor makes him come across as well educated and caring for his patients. The name was a bible name and satins name combined, to show the two sides of our character, a bit like the story Jekyll and Hyde. The hospital is used within our opening to show where he works and to show his disturbed mind, scribbling over a bible in a caring environment. Within our scenes filmed at the hospital it will feature Joseph in his doctors uniform then changing into a dark hoodie and jeans, showing the contrast of his mind through the use of mise en scene. There are a use of long shots to show him waking down the hospital corridor and then a close up if his bag with a rope hanging out of it, where is he going with a rope?
The scene featuring him driving through town to the Casino, there is a close up of the glove box with props such as the knife, drugs/pills and the rope shown in the hospital sequence. These link to his doctor character but leaves the question to the audience why has a got drugs in his car and what is he going to use them for?

Rhianna Henson-Smith

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