Friday, 7 November 2014

Ideas for title graphics

This is one idea I had for the titles for our film. I had a plain white ish background to represent the doctor profession. For example in a operating theatre it has to be sterile and clean for procedure, so the white background represents the pure and cleanliness of being a doctor who is meant to care and look after others, which contrasts with the blood. I used a hand because that part of the body is what doctors use the most, in saving peoples lives through operations, yet it is what Damien also uses to kill people. This shows how different someone can be and how fast they can change. The use of a hand also is good as it does not show the characters face so gives a sense of mystery to the film and builds tension up for the audience. The image of blood dripping downwards off the page gives a theme of murder, death and investigation.
Within the title I was going to have the 'Doctor 6:19' in red, as it is commonly associated with blood and death yet thought it was better In black. This black and the type of font used is a formal print and looks like it has either been typed on to a computer (like a doctors file) or hand printed (like a patients health record) This style links to our main characters profession and also gives a sense of a well educated individual. In most thriller films the main character who seems to be a murder comes across as well educated and clever in thought.

Rhianna Henson-Smith

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