Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Props (possible knifes)

I have looked at these four knifes as a possible murder weapon within our film.

This picture shows the texture of the knifes, I especially like the darkness of the second knife to the right, also in the picture above you can see the knife's splatters/ rust (which looks like blood).

The image above and the two below helps to show the type of blade each knife has, if you look at the two bottom photos, you can see the sharpness and curvature of each one.

This knife looks painful/ sharp and is large/ brutal looking. I feel it would be a good murder weapon, as it has some ancient-looking symbols on it which could be religious inscription (relating to the 'body is your temple' aspect to our film).

This knife would also make a good murder weapon, as it is shiny on the point (to emphasis the dangerous part of the prop).

This knife is sharp and pointed, with splatters (like blood) and is darker than the other ones.

This knife would be a good prop for butchering a victim/ beheading.

 Overall, I think this knife is the best prop to use, as it fits the genre of our film well. For example it is a knife Dr. Damien can easily get his hands on, it also looks like it has been used a lot (on victims - due to the splatters) and finally the darkness adds to the thriller film.

    By Maddy Fox

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