Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Evaluating preliminary task

To start our preliminary tasck we have used an establishing shot of the corridor and for give the sensation to enter in the room a close-up of the hand on the door, so a match on action of sitting on the chair and then the start of the dialogue.

In our preliminary tasck we have filmed the 180° rules, for the dialougue with an over the shoulder shot, in filmmaking, the continuity is a big part of filmmaking. If you're shooting a short film or interview, it's important to set the scene and establish your characters in space and time in order for the viewer to follow the action. One of the most basic continuity rules is the 180 Degree Rule.
The 180 Degree Rule states that two characters in a scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If you don't follow the 180 Degree Rule, or break it intentionally, it disrupts the scene disorients the audience. When you break the 180 line, a person who was originally facing left in a scene is all of the sudden facing right.
By Sara Campeggi

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