For our preliminary task, we were asked to film and edit a
character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite
another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. The task also had to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
So for our story line, we had Sara walk down a school corridor and open a door to a study room, where Rhianna was sitting (listening to music). Sara then sits down opposite Rhianna and begins to ask her where she was during history (to which Rhianna explains she "thought she didn't have a lesson") and Sara than tells Rhianna that she has a detention.
My role during this task was camera man, I filmed each scene/ shot. This meant that it was my job to capture match on action, which can be seen as Sara walks through the door (the camera shows one side of the door and jumps to the other side ).
I also captured shot/ reverse shot (the back and forth shots of Rhianna and Sara talking). I used this type of shot, because it was a simple way to display the conversation between the characters.
And I captured the 180- degree rule (at the end I turned from Rhianna's face to Sara's). I used this shot, to display where each character was set in proportion to each other.
Our frames during the task showed both characters clearly, however the quality of each frame needed to be improved. For instance, frames are blurred in most places and a little bit shaky. To improve these factors, I needed to use a tripod more and adjust the camera lens. The positioning of the actors on the screen was alright, however they needed to avoid eye contact with the camera and relax their body language a bit more and stop swizzling on their chairs. This would've created a better sense of normality, as these factors lead the audience to see they were acting.
In conclusion, the final result needed to be improved in terms of editing. For instance the scenes weren't very fluid, so in future we needed to film each cross-over more carefully (make sure everything is identical, when we change the shot). Also, in some clips the editing cut a scene during dialogue. So next time we need to be more precise when cutting scenes. However, when filming the match on action, I feel that the distance between the subject and the camera was just right. This is due to the fact that when I did change from one side of the door to the other, Sara remained the proportion size. On the other hand, when I filmed the shot/ reverse shot the camera focused on the other subject's shoulder rather than the subject talking and the 180- degree rule was a bit shaky. Another factor that I feel could be improved, was the dialogue not being appropriate with the shot/ reverse shot. This is because shot/ reverse shot is for a tense dramatic scene and getting a detention isn't very dramatic, however it is more dramatic than other possible discussions.
Overall as a group, I feel that we worked well. This can be backed up by the fact that we managed to complete the task and planned the story line out successfully, our communication during production was good as well (as we discussed what should be said and how it should be shot). However, when editing we failed to meet up until last minute (so our time- management needs to be improved) and when planning our story line, we failed to equally share out the drawing.
A target for next time is the fact that I need to improve my confidence when using the camera and Final Cut Express. This is due to the fact that when remembering different settings and techniques, I find it hard. So I need to revise my notes and practice using them more often.
By Maddy Fox
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