Tuesday, 7 October 2014

My Casino Royale openig opinion


Casino Royale

Casino Royale’s opening set up a specific expectation in us; we know that the action/thriller genre has lot of fight scene and putting one at the beginning let us know that the film will be full of those. What happened in the flash-back, the fight between two man in a toilet, the one with the suit not scared from the possibility that a stranger enters kills the other character, this suggest that the story is based on a revenge or a adjustment of accounts and the viewers is ready to see the main character in big trouble.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
The title fits perfectly the action/thriller genre, is basic, efficient and elegant as the main character presents himself in the opening, the layout represent card sign, guns and casino games just like the title this is the perfect description for this film.                                                                                                                                             
 I only recognise Daniel Craig, he is famous for his role in action/thriller genre in films such as Skyfall, Quantum Of Solace and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, so the chosen of him is not casual, because what Daniel Craig has built his fame with is this genre. His physical look is request for this kind of role, tall, trained and charming.                                                                                                            To identify this genre the camerawork is very helpful by lot of close-up on props as: guns, leather gloves, Russian hat and knife. Another camera work really used is the match-on-action that let us understand easily the story without losing any scene.                                                                                 
The music is a typical relaxing and soft music that usually the casino put as background for relax their costumers, the dialogue instead is direct but with a tip of sarcasm, the light are very bright in the flash-back for emphasise the fact that is a memory happened in the past and darker in the opening scene when Daniel Craig talk with the other man that seem to be powerful and we can understand that from the fact he is sitting in a big office in a high building and all of that make us notice his power but also in the dialogue that he isn’t that smart, the dialogue take away some of the power that the props and the location give to him.

The ACTION-THRILLER genre has some specific characteristics usual this genre is based on fighting to restore an injustice or give retribution, this is very important for this genre because even if the main character isn’t a proper crime fighter has the task of put the situation back as better as possible. Another characteristic that is related at this genre in the typical criminal opportunism, that show the relative close-mind and the typical stubbornness of the villain character.

Concluding Casino Royale is great example for the action-thriller movies, I mostly like the title sequence I think that fits perfectly the theme and will be for sure a source of inspiration.

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