Timeline of the opening titles
The opening titles consists of 26 credits, the first is at 0:02 saying "Metro Goldwyn Mayer trade mark" and at 0:19 "Polygram filmed entertainment and spelling films international presents". These credits come first as it shows what company's have been involved within the making of the film. At 0:25 "A blue parrot/bad harry production" Shows what production company has produced the film. This advertises their company and those that enjoy the film are more likely to follow future films and pervious movies of theirs. The first name mentioned in the credits is the director Bryan singer at 0:30, this is because he is the most important person of the film, each director has a type of genre their films normally are so the audience are aware what it is a thriller genre and of his style conventions. The films title "The Usual Suspects" appears at 0:36 and the cast members begin at 0:42 and finish at 1:19, these include the likes of Stephen Baldwin and Gabriel Byrne. Some audiences are attracted to a film for the cast members that they enjoy watching.At 1:28 it says "Music by John Ottman" He is an important credit to the film as different types of music, for example orchestral, can create different types of emotions for the audience such as suspense and tension, which are key within a thriller genre that wants to undermine the audiences complacency throughout and wants them to stay watching. The credits then continue to mention those such as the costume designer at 1:32 and production designer at 1:36, until at 1:41 it gets to "editing by John Ottman" Editing is key in thriller genres, it can use slow pace to create suspense and fast pace to add to the action within scenes, along with other editing concepts. The co-production and executive producers are mentioned and at 1:58 it says "written by Christopher McQuarrine" the writer of the story is key for there to be a film, they are the main thinker and without them the plot would never have been thought up, let alone made into a film for audiences to watch. By Crediting the writer they are also being promoted, those that enjoy the film are more likely to read his pervious or up coming books. The final credit is at 2:06 and is "directed by Bryan Singer" The director has been mentioned twice within the opening as they are the main person who makes sure the film comes together.
By Rhianna Henson-Smith
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