Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Casino Royale Opening Titles

From the title sequence of Casino Royale there is a scene featuring a flash back where it is shown in a yellowish tinge. From this we can gather how to display a flash back effectively, as during our opening of Doctor 6:19 he has a flash back to '2 days ago' instead of the yellow colour we are going to use black and white.
Also the graphic titles of this are very good featuring all the themes that are going to pop up within the film such as the poker games and crime/gun scenes. From this the audience can work out the tone of the film and the themes that are going to run through out. Therefore from looking at this it would be good to include underlying themes and conventions in the opening that will feature in our film, for example blood dripping showing the audience that there will be a theme of murder throughout.
The music within Casino Royale's opening is very dramatic and catchy, it attracts the audiences attention and is in time with the graphics that are on the screen. For our film we need to make sure we have music that links to our genre, so music that is mysterious, which can engage the audiences attention and add to the effect we are trying to create.

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