Saturday, 7 February 2015

Evaluation Five - How did you attract/address your audience? - Rhianna Henson-Smith (Candidate number = 2062)

Our film doctor 6:19 is a psychological thriller. We'd key conventions such as the yellowish lighting, to give an eerie feel to the scene, and gives the sense of the future, acting almost as a police search light. Within this scene we also see Joseph scribbling on a bible, linking to a religious theme, which runs throughout and is typical of the psycho-thriller genre, for example the film Se7en. The use of this scene shows our characters mental state and his religious drive for murders.

The use of music such as the scribbling on the bible and the dark religious music adds to the dramatic feel and tension of a stereotypical psycho-thriller, an example is the famous film American Psycho, which builds up the suspense for the audience, which is exactly what we wanted. Our use of the voices in the head, gives our audience a clue that our film is indeed a psychological thriller, relating to our characters schizophrenia, along with our overlay of a bottle containing his pills for medication.

From my previous target audience research I found that our typical audience would be a middle aged man around 35-55. This is because they have been proven to view psycho-thrillers more than any other film category. They are also said to like the tension and fast pace visuals, which are typical of our genre. We have therefore used fast pace from the start, especially with our overlays. As well as this they are usually thrill seekers that wish to constantly think ahead of the story. We have took this in to consideration and have used flash forwards to attract their attention.

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