Sunday, 15 February 2015

Evaluation Question 4: What would the target audience for our media product be? - Madeleine Fox (Candidate Number = 2055)

Who would be the target audience?

Our target audience is a middle aged man, as they have been proven to view psycho-thrillers more than any other category of audience. They are said to like the extreme tension and mystery held throughout the film and enjoy the darkness/ shadiness to characters more than your stereotypical TV male character the 'white van man' (who is dull and average)!

  • A middle aged man between 30-40 is said to enjoy hobbies such as cycling, running or going to the gym. 
  • They are said to shop at any shop that includes mens clothing or outdoors kit, such as Timberland or Cotswold Outdoor. This is due to the stereotypical masculine vibe.
  • They tend to listen to rock music such as Deep Purple, GunsnRoses or ACDC... This genre of music tends to include heavy drum beats, with extreme guitar skills. Therefore a link can be found between the intensity of the thriller genre and the rock.
  • Middle aged males tend to watch TV shows to do with sports and cars, such as the Football or Top Gear. These shows tend to be non-fiction, which males are supposed to be more inclined to (as they liked to learn new skills which are stereotypical for men to have, such as how to change a tire...).
The audience gender however could be a mixture of both females and males of any age over 15; it all depends on their characteristics and personality.

Being a psycho-thriller, the film will receive an audience that has an interest in psychology perhaps or the human mind.

We also decided that our film would have a certificate rating of 15+, as we thought some scenes during the film may prove too intense for children under 15. However the film proved too safe to be an 18+, as it had no indecent scenes.

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