Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Evaluation Question 2.2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? - Madeleine Fox (Candidate Number = 2055)

Our only other character during our film opening, is portrayed by Sara Campeggi, as a young adult (aged 18) who is a victim of DR. Damien's serial murders. We first spot her outside have a cigarette, this adds to the theme of abusing God's teaching ("your body is a temple").

We dressed Sara in a typical outfit, combining a pair of jeans, a jumper and a navy jacket. We thought that we could either dress her in a stereotypical nightclub outfit (such as a short dress), however we wanted to portray her as a vulnerable victim, therefore opting for the died-down outfit!

When researching other similar female victims from psycho-thrillers, I came across Janet Leigh's role as Marion Crane in the 1960 film "Psycho". (She portrayed the stereotypical blonde  and attractive female victim.) And in a similar way we wanted to create that sense of innocence/ purity with Sara's unnamed character, so the audience wold be allowed to sympathize with her. Although at the same time we did need to portray that nightclub vibe, so we shot the scene at night (with dark, shady lighting which stereotypically represents danger and at the same time she was stood under an orange street light to replicate the use of police search lights (this suggests to the audience that the doctor has an evil alter-ego)!

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