Thursday, 29 January 2015

Casino Location overview

For our scene outside a nightclub, we decided to use the Casino. This was for both logical and eye-catching reasons!

We thought that the casino would be a highly logical setting, as there was a large car park around the back of it (so it would be safe for us to park, instead of going over double yellow line).

We believed it to be eye-catching to our genre, as it had hardly any lights around the car park. Therefore we could use it to our advantage to create a stereotypical dark setting. We also thought the casino was a good option, as its bright lights around the front an side were brilliant for showing the danger that approached. This is due to the fact that hey symbolised police search lights. Another reason for choosing the casino to drive past, was the fact that we could film the doctor looking up at it (this would be a low angle shot form his eye-line, representing his low level of authority/ bad personality).

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