Friday, 2 January 2015

Rising Suspense Productions

Production Company:
Alike every film company there needs to be a production behind it. It was my idea to have our name as Rising Suspense Productions, as it links to our blog and planning name. Our name also shows what type of genre we are potentially going to base our films on and shows what type of themes and conventions the audience is going to expect to see, for example 'suspense' is associated with thriller films.

Within our Production:
Directors- Rhianna Henson-Smith, Maddy Fox and Sara Campeggi.
We decided to put directors second within our titles as they are one of the most important parts of our filming. They are there to organise scenes and actors, make sure mise-en-scene and location is suitable and have time management.
Music- Mixed by Rhianna Henson-Smith and Maddy Fox.
Allowed us to create and out together different sounds and beats to create various conventions and emotions through the use of music.
Created by- Rhianna Henson-Smith, Maddy Fox and Sara Campeggi.
Showed where ideas within our story originated from which allowed us to create the opening.
Cast- Matthew Forster and Sara Campeggi.
Shows who our actors were within our opening and shows our appreciation.
Edited by- Rhianna Henson-Smith, Maddy Fox and Sara Cameggi.
As this is what creates the effects that Joseph is double-sided or is having flash backs, it is also key in creating conventions and building up audiences emotions.

Rhianna Henson-Smith

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