Monday, 15 December 2014

Marketing Technique

One of the most hard question when you are making a film is: Who is your target audience?

In our case we are shooting a psychological thriller that for conventions can be quite violent. In our opening scene there aren't particular violent moments, but anyway our target audience must be older than 15, some content could be too much for a young boy or girl.
If we think to a gender we can say that both man and woman could be interested.

The audience of this film expect mostly tension suspense and a main character who has a sort of mental issue, in our opening you can find everything, the main themes of psychological thriller are treated, such as Reality-> the film is located in a real situation where a doctor is seriously disturbed, Perception-> in the film Dr demian thinks to be in charge to purify the world from those girl who don't treat their bodies as a temple (Corinthians 6:19 in the bible), Mind-> Dr Demian again is the one whose mind is different from the other, Purpose-> to be in charge to purify the world, Identity-> Dr Demian is confused and for keep the bad thought away starts to abuse of drugs and alcohol, Death-> there are picture of murder scene in the film.

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