Monday, 15 December 2014

Audience interviews evaluation

Audience evaluation:

Throughout our time filming and producing research towards our opening we made sure we used conventions which the audience would expect within our psycho-thriller genre. We asked different people what they would expect to see within our opening.

Some of their answers were:

- Dark/low lighting
-Crime and murder
- props such as knives and guns
- mysterious and tense music

From this audience feedback we made sure these answers we included within our opening. We used dark and low lighting in the scenes which showed Joseph at the hospital walking out and to the car to then drive to the Casino. We did this as night time adds to the tension of a potential murder and disorientates the audiences senses. Crime is shown when Joseph gets out photos of Sara our victim and places them on this desk. This is the first initial stage of showing Joseph's murderous side, which then features a overlapped flash back of Sara running away from him. Murder is a on going theme as after the photos which show death within the film, joseph is then carrying a knife in the middle of town, which first is illegal and secondly links to violence and potential death.  

We made sure we used the right sort of props which would be seen within our genre, we included a knife, rope and bible which commonly feature within a psycho-thriller and add to our ongoing themes. I thought that a knife was a better prop to use instead of a gun, this is because it takes a more physical act to commit a murder with a knife and is more horrific. 

We used garage band to create our music and used different beats and sounds to create mysterious/tense sounds, this then allowed us to fade in and out sounds and change the music at different scenes to also reflex the characters emotions. 

We made sure that we took on the audiences feedback because it needs to appeal to our target audience and we needed advice and tips from those who will potentially be watching it and in the big film industry would make us hits.

Rhianna Henson-Smith

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