DR JOSEPH DAMIAN:In our film there are only two character the biggest reason is because we wanted to focus on the main character, Dr Joseph Damian who has been interpreted by Matthew Foster, a year 13 drama students, the choice was made based on the fact that none of our family members were available to do it and we had to choose a sixth form student, Matthew looks older enough to seems a doctor. He has been very kind and he immediately got in our character making our job much easier.
KILLED GIRL:I interpreted the role of the girl who was abusing of her body, smoking, taking drugs and alcohol, the choice ha been made after the photo-shoot of the murder scene, where I pretended to be dead and hidden in his basement by the main character. I agreed of being recorded because it was a easy way to finish the filming and to be able to start editing as early as possible.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Monday, 15 December 2014
Storyline Overview
Doctor 6:19
In the beginning of our film opening it features Joseph Damien sat down at his desk within his office and appears to be scribbling on a bible. I decided that a bible would link with our religious theme and his belief of certain quotes. Yet to show someone to be drawing on to something that is meant to be holy and reflex many teachings and stories that millions worldwide follow would be quite abnormal. No 'normal' person was even think of writing on to the bible, so shows the audience what kind of mind set Joseph has and what sort of character he may turn out to be within the rest of the story. It then shows joseph looking up and with the use of editing, shows him to be disorientated and focused on what he is writing/scribbling. We made sure that we filmed within an office which had a computer in it, this was because we could show our article about a 'Girl Murdered' in which would make the audience think about why he is so interested in it. It also does not give away whether he in fact has committed a murder or is just looking at the latest news. The next part shows Joseph slide over on his chair and open a lockable draw in which he has a case of photographs. These photographs are then placed on to his desk and shows our actor Sara as a murder victim inside a cellar. This then links joseph to his darker side which the viewers can now see clearer and features a flash back of his victim smoking outside.Middle:
Our middle part of the opening sees a title wrote in a formal typewriter style come on to the screen and say 'Two days earlier', After our doctor is shown to walk out of the hospital and towards his big black car. I used one of my parents cars as it was big and black, so looked like the type a doctor would own and drive, this then saw him look across at his glove box in which the audience could see a knife and some sort of pills/drugs which were originally shown as a overlap in the beginning as being used for Schizophrenia, linking to his mental health. He then was shown driving off after looking mysteriously into the car mirror. Why did he have a knife and what was he going to do?End:
Towards our ending, after seeing our doctor drive away from the hospital with a knife, we was shown driving through Guildford town centre and park up next to the Casino round the back in a alleyway. He then got out the knife from the glove box and got out of the car. This then features a overlap of Sara our victim running so acts as a flash forward giving the audience a preview of what he is going to do.Rhianna Henson-Smith
Audience interviews evaluation
Audience evaluation:
Throughout our time filming and producing research towards our opening we made sure we used conventions which the audience would expect within our psycho-thriller genre. We asked different people what they would expect to see within our opening.
Some of their answers were:
- Dark/low lighting
-Crime and murder
- props such as knives and guns
- mysterious and tense music

We made sure we used the right sort of props which would be seen within our genre, we included a knife, rope and bible which commonly feature within a psycho-thriller and add to our ongoing themes. I thought that a knife was a better prop to use instead of a gun, this is because it takes a more physical act to commit a murder with a knife and is more horrific.

We made sure that we took on the audiences feedback because it needs to appeal to our target audience and we needed advice and tips from those who will potentially be watching it and in the big film industry would make us hits.
Rhianna Henson-Smith
Marketing Technique
One of the most hard question when you are making a film is: Who is your target audience?
In our case we are shooting a psychological thriller that for conventions can be quite violent. In our opening scene there aren't particular violent moments, but anyway our target audience must be older than 15, some content could be too much for a young boy or girl.
If we think to a gender we can say that both man and woman could be interested.
The audience of this film expect mostly tension suspense and a main character who has a sort of mental issue, in our opening you can find everything, the main themes of psychological thriller are treated, such as Reality-> the film is located in a real situation where a doctor is seriously disturbed, Perception-> in the film Dr demian thinks to be in charge to purify the world from those girl who don't treat their bodies as a temple (Corinthians 6:19 in the bible), Mind-> Dr Demian again is the one whose mind is different from the other, Purpose-> to be in charge to purify the world, Identity-> Dr Demian is confused and for keep the bad thought away starts to abuse of drugs and alcohol, Death-> there are picture of murder scene in the film.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Progress of work
We are coming to the finish line of creating our film Doctor 6:19. So far we have filmed all of our scenes and have edited them so that they run smoothly throughout without mistakes. Our initial plan was to have a scene which featured a nurse walking in to Joseph's office and interrupt him scribbling on the bible and come inside and open the blind window to the office. We decided this as the nurse coming in would alter our characters mood as he throws his scribbles off the table and minimizes the 'girl murdered' article, showing his double sided mind/personality he has as he tries to act 'normal'.
However we decided to cut this scene as we thought the film looked better with just our main character within the opening and no dialogue as we wanted him to stay in this 'mad' personality rather than change.
Me and Maddy worked out how to over lap scenes together to have a scene coming across on top of another one, I felt this was good as it showed Sara (our killers victim) smoking outside before she was murdered and then under the overlay Joseph looking at pictures of his victim dead. This shows the different time difference of both scenes and we changed Sara's clip to black and white to symbolize a flash back.
Rhianna Henson-Smith
However we decided to cut this scene as we thought the film looked better with just our main character within the opening and no dialogue as we wanted him to stay in this 'mad' personality rather than change.
Me and Maddy worked out how to over lap scenes together to have a scene coming across on top of another one, I felt this was good as it showed Sara (our killers victim) smoking outside before she was murdered and then under the overlay Joseph looking at pictures of his victim dead. This shows the different time difference of both scenes and we changed Sara's clip to black and white to symbolize a flash back.
Rhianna Henson-Smith
Friday, 12 December 2014
How our film is improving?
The film is taking shape and we are now proceeding to edit the titles and add sound effects.
After have finished to film all the scene we noticed that the nurse part wasn't suitable we decided to cut it from the film. And having found that the scenes filmed near the casino were way to dark to use them, Maddy and Rhianna founded a way to bring them more clear, avoiding to have to reshoot them from the beginning.
The film is overcoming my initial expectation, I'm really pleased by the effort that the whole group is giving.
Sara Campeggi
Friday, 5 December 2014
Monday, 1 December 2014
Casino Location overview
Casino Location
As mentioned in my previous blog post on location we were thinking of filming next to the casino in Guildford town center.
On the 30th of November myself and Sara filmed the remaining scenes for our opening which started from Joseph walking from the hospital to his car.
We decided to film him driving to the Casino and park round in an alley way seen in this photo (where the yellow door is). This way we were following our health and safety rules, as we did not get in the way of people, for example parking their cars and were out of site when scenes which involved the knife were used. At night time when we were filming we made sure there was an adult with us and that the camera always was put back into its holder when we were not using it.
The location was a good choice as it had low lighting, which is a common convention of our genre and was mentioned in our audience interviews to make sure we had. This then would also be a good location to commit a murder, so links with our story. We decided it would be the Casino as it is a popular night club for young adults and is relatively close to our hospital location also.
Rhianna Henson-Smith
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