Thursday 30 October 2014

Famous Psychological Thrillers

From watching many thriller genres, such as many seen in this video, I can see what conventions are currently used, with ranges of shots through out the films. Common mise en scenes used are knives, guns and props which link to an underlying theme of religion e.g a cross or a bible. Dark lighting and glitches within the films are seen through out to disorientate the audience by effecting one of their senses. The characters normally used are mysterious looking and never give too much away about themselves. From this the audience does not become personally attached to the character and are can never predict what they are going to do next, making them even more dark feeling.

From looking at different best selling psychological thrillers we can see what conventions and mise en scenes they use, to include them within Doctor 6:19 to get the right effect.

Rhianna Henson-Smith

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