Sunday 23 November 2014

Possible music\sounds

I think that those two song represent the psycho-thriller genre, because they build tension and can be effective for suspense moments. In other words we need music that stimulate anxiety and worry feelings.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Settings/ locations commonly used within pyscho-thrillers

The setting is a very important element to Psychological thrillers. The two most common location for Psychological thrillers to be set in; is the city and inside a building. E.g. An house jail restaurant. The countryside isn’t as commonly used as it can get confused with a horror film.

Psychological thriller: the setting would be in the hospital, church, house, prison etc...



Conventions of Psycological-Thrillers


Possible sound effects

From these clips, I have learnt that the stereotypical sounds for a psycho-thriller tend to be dark and eerie. You may experience sound effects such as screaming, wind whistling, creaky doors and high-pitch drum sounds.

Having looked at these, I would like to incorporate the intensity of volume into our film opening, as it will give tension and suspense to the audience.

Possible ideas for our main character

Having watched this, I know that psycho-thriller characters tend to be personally involved and critically dominant throughout the film. Also, they tend to suffer from a mental illness of some type, which affects their behaviour within the film. These characters are quite often shown to be mistreated by others and seen as abnormal, which tends to be the starting point/ spark for their road of destruction that normally follows!

Psychological thrillers and analysis

Through watching this montage of various psycho-thrillers, I can now tell that most films in this genre consist of dark lighting, eerie music, screaming, glitch editing/ effects and most importantly to emphasis a psychological aspect there is murmuring/ unusual behaviour amongst the characters.

Looking at other Pyscological- Thrillers

Student feedback on our blog

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Possible location shot

This could be a possible location shot, it is a car park at our school however we may use it as a hospital car park. We would do this by filming our character coming out of the hospital, then jump cutting to the car park (and being careful not to film any of the surrounding atmosphere, so we don't ruin the setting in our film)! (The building in the background could be a part of the hospital).

By Maddy Fox

Props (possible knifes)

I have looked at these four knifes as a possible murder weapon within our film.

This picture shows the texture of the knifes, I especially like the darkness of the second knife to the right, also in the picture above you can see the knife's splatters/ rust (which looks like blood).

The image above and the two below helps to show the type of blade each knife has, if you look at the two bottom photos, you can see the sharpness and curvature of each one.

This knife looks painful/ sharp and is large/ brutal looking. I feel it would be a good murder weapon, as it has some ancient-looking symbols on it which could be religious inscription (relating to the 'body is your temple' aspect to our film).

This knife would also make a good murder weapon, as it is shiny on the point (to emphasis the dangerous part of the prop).

This knife is sharp and pointed, with splatters (like blood) and is darker than the other ones.

This knife would be a good prop for butchering a victim/ beheading.

 Overall, I think this knife is the best prop to use, as it fits the genre of our film well. For example it is a knife Dr. Damien can easily get his hands on, it also looks like it has been used a lot (on victims - due to the splatters) and finally the darkness adds to the thriller film.

    By Maddy Fox

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Shots from cinema listings

 Top films on in cinemas right now

The top 12 that are listed are:

1) Interstellar ~ Drama genre directed by Christopher Nolan
Space epic 'Interstellar' takes place on a troubled Earth, where dwindling food supplies are forcing humankind to consider the possibilities available to them beyond Earth's boundaries.
2) The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 1~ Action genre directed by Francis Lawrence.
Things are heating up in 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1' as Katniss Everdeen gets swept up in the revolution against the Capitol.
3) The Limitation Game~ Drama genre directed by Morten Tyldum
Biographical drama 'The Imitation Game' centres on the English mathematician and cryptographer who helped crack the Nazi's Enigma code during World War II.
4) Nativity~ Comedy genre directed by Debbie Lsitt
This Christmas the pupils of St Bernadette's and their much-loved, madcap teacher Mr Poppy (Marc Wootton) are back for their biggest adventure yet involving fantastic flashmobs, excitable elves, Christmas carols and of course Archie the donkey!
5) The Hobbit The battle of the Five Armies~ Action, Adventure, fantasy directed by Peter Jackson
The conclusion of the trilogy, 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies' sees Thorin and Bilbo reclaiming the dwarves' homeland - but also accidentally unleashing Smaug upon Lake-town.
6) Mr Turner~ Drama genre directed by Mike Leigh
'Mr. Turner' examines the last 25 years of the great if eccentric landscape painter J.M.W. Turner (Timothy Spall), one of the most important figures in British art history.
7) Gone Girl~ Drama, Thriller directed by David Fincher.
Suspenseful mystery 'Gone Girl' follows the investigation into the disappearance of missing Amy Dunne as dark truths about her seemingly perfect life emerge.
8) The Drop~ Drama directed by Michael R Roskam
Set in the seedy criminal underworld of Brooklyn, 'The Drop' centres on Bob, a barman whose pub doubles as a 'drop point' for local gangsters exchanging money.
9) Fury~ Drama directed by David Ayer
Set during the dying days of the Second World War, 'Fury' follows a team of Allied soldiers who venture behind enemy lines into the heart of Nazi territory on a final charge
10) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles~ Action, Adventure, Animated, Comedy directed by Jonathan Liebesman
Everyone's favourite gang of reptilian martial arts masters are back fighting crime on the streets of New York in 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'.
11) Night Crawler~ Thriller genre directed by Dan Gilroy
Jake Gyllenhaal stars in 'Nightcrawler', playing a driven young man who finds a home in the nocturnal world of freelance crime journalism in Los Angeles.
12) Ouija~ Horror, Thriller directed by Stiles White
In 'Ouija', a group of teenagers try to use a spirit board to contact their friend, who died in a car accident. They are forced to confront their worst fears after they accidentally awaken its dark powers.


Out of the 12 top films the majority of them are drama genre that the audience has appealed to. Each film varies in their plot with none of them having similarities to the other. The thriller genre that we are looking at takes form in the film "Gone Girl", the poster for the film features a long shot of a man standing alone. This makes the audience think about why he is alone, the title 'gone' applies someone has disappeared or has gone missing and 'girl' is a mystery of how the man and the 'girl' are related. The man in the audiences eyes could be a brother, friend, murderer to the 'girl' and makes the viewer want to know what is going to happen in the story. One main convention within the thriller genre is to create a sense of mystery and suspense without trying to give to much away, for example the character in the poster is not shown as he is facing the opposite direction. The poster is dark and looks like it is nearly night time, making the audience wonder why the character is standing in what appears to look like a field, could he be searching for something or hiding something? The film is directed by David Fincher, who is famous for his thriller genres and conventions, this means that the viewer is expecting a certain style of film and expects it to be mysterious and psychological at times.
From looking up what is the top cinema listings we can interpret what types of films appeal most to audiences and such as "Gone girl" we can get ideas on posters and background/fonts for our own film Doctor 6:19.

Rhianna Henson-Smith


Our pitch and audience feedback

Monday 10 November 2014

Collage of iconography associated with paycho-thriller

American Psycho font title analysis Sara Campeggi

Mood Board for psycho-thriller genre

American Psycho Nine frame

Existing film production company

DreamWorks Animation Glandale, California  

20th century fox Century City, California

Blue Sky Studios Greenwich, Connetticat

Those company are mostly dedicated to animated films.

For the thriller genere there are some:

New Line Cinema, New York, USA

Nova Scotia, Canada

Audience Expectations of a Psycho-Thriller

Our storyboard for our film


Photos during planning

Saturday 8 November 2014

Representations of Bullet Boy

By Rhianna Henson-Smith

History of the Psycho-Thriller genre

History of the Psycho-Thriller genre


The psycho-thriller genre came on the scene. In 1926-1927 came the development of ‘talkies’ following experimental techniques begun in the late 1910’s.In the 1920’s the technology used was very limited, so the movies produced weren’t very clear or realistic as they are today.
The lodger’ was a British psychological thriller made in 1926 by Alfred Hitchcock, who is now famous for his use of thriller conventions. The lodger was a black and white silent movie, and the rating is a 12. This can show that it may not be as scary or thrilling, and due to the lack of technology the movie will not be as believable.



‘The Most Dangerous Game’ was produced in 1932 by Irving Pichel and Ernest B. Schoedsack , which is a 78 minute movie. Keywords for this movie are “madman, escape, psychopath, slaughter” these are typical conventions of a psychological thriller, however the certificate rating of 12 show that only frequent violent scenes are used, therefore we are unable to see the emphasise on murders or horror scenes.


"Rebecca" was a famous film made in 1940 by Alfred Hitchcock, it is a black and white movie which doesn’t appeal to a younger generation, due a lack of technology. The music however flows with the genre because it creates the tension and suspense needed to make it fit with the style of film.


During the 1950 was WWII, what was witness from the war was reflected in their movies. ‘The man who cheated him-self’ was a movie made in 1950 by Felix E. Feist, The reviews for this movie say that the cinematography was good along with the editing, soundtrack and cutting, but there were a few missing frames. This proves that the technology is improving.


‘The sinister urge’ is a 1961 psychological thriller directed by Edward D. Wood Jr. there is no certificate rating for this movie, however the caption for the poster to this movie is “compulsive killer strikes terror” and “a psycho with the urge to kill”. This draws in the audience because it is showing advertisements in different ways.


‘Sleuth’ was made in 1972 by Joseph L.Mankiewicz, it is a colour movie. This movie is about a sleuth as told in the title, the title however doesn’t really link with the genre, which could potentially mislead the audience in what they are watching or going to watch. The keywords for movie are typically conventions you want/expect to see in a psychological thriller.


‘Brimstone and Treacle’ was released in 1982 but Richard Loncraine. It has a certificate rating of 18 this means that extreme violence is allowed to be shown, including blood and gore, also bad language, and even sexual scenes such as rape, which is actually part of the movie. The DVD cover looks very gothic and thrilling as there is a lady screaming and a man praying on a black background.


‘Silence of the Lambs’ 1991 by Jonathan Demme. This movie includes a psycho villain and a Hannibal, and a certificate rating of an 18. The perspective of the movie is very good as it incorporate a lot of aspects needed that may not have been used in earlier films. For example it shows ripped of human skin being eaten.

Present Day

In present day psychological thrillers, the use of different types of technology and CGI. Recently I have realised that the technology doesn’t make the film scary it can be done by the camera shots, angles and how they cut the scenes. This is shown very well in “Black Swan”. The very fast cuts in this movie make the scene feel fast and scary.

Over Time

Over time many things have changed in a psychological thriller, the most is the technology, which is key to making the film as realistic as possible. Another thing is the certificate rating, over time the certificate ratings have gone up. This is probably because psychological thrillers have gotten al little bit more frightening but mostly they have gotten more gorier and sadistic.

By Rhianna Henson-Smith

Props in the thriller genre

By Rhianna Henson-Smith

Actors Overview

Joseph Damien - acted by Matthew Foster

Our main character was a male doctor with schizophrenia who believes in 'Your body is a temple' from the bible. This therefore meant that we needed an actor who could look old enough to be a doctor so the audience did not get confused. As no members of our group had family members who were available, we set about finding our main character by asking older members of the sixth form. Matthew Foster was an excellent choice as he is also studying A-level drama and is a keen actor at heart. Matthew was more than happy to play Joseph Damien and came to our first filming day dressed as the character. I found our choice was good because he was easy to work with and as he got in to our character it made it easier to focus on filming and different shots, without worrying too much about acting. Matthew is quite a tall boy and when dressed as a doctor etc could look old enough to have that as his work profession.

Joseph's victim - Sara Campeggi

We decided to have a girl as josephs victim as they are seen as more vulnerable and cannot defend themselves as well as a man could against another male. We wanted our victim to be in her teens as they are more likely to trust others, especially a doctor who is known for helping people. Our character also being in her teenage years links well to our religious theme and his belief that 'your body is a temple' as this age group is more likely to abuse their bodies in some way, whether it be from alcohol, smoking or drugs. This is also why we show Sara smoking, therefore damaging her body which Joseph disagrees with. Sara was our main choice of actress as she is one of our media group members from Rising Suspense Productions and is within the right age range. Furthermore it allowed us to film her effectively when we needed her so we could get the camera work done for more editing time.

Rhianna Henson-Smith

Crime scene photos we are using within our film opening

Rhianna Henson-Smith, maddy and sara

Friday 7 November 2014

Certificate ratings for audience

Rhianna Henson-Smith

Conventions on psycho-thriller genre Sara Campeggi

Hospital location in our opening

We decided that our main character being a doctor called Joseph Damien, we did this because the profession of a doctor makes him come across as well educated and caring for his patients. The name was a bible name and satins name combined, to show the two sides of our character, a bit like the story Jekyll and Hyde. The hospital is used within our opening to show where he works and to show his disturbed mind, scribbling over a bible in a caring environment. Within our scenes filmed at the hospital it will feature Joseph in his doctors uniform then changing into a dark hoodie and jeans, showing the contrast of his mind through the use of mise en scene. There are a use of long shots to show him waking down the hospital corridor and then a close up if his bag with a rope hanging out of it, where is he going with a rope?
The scene featuring him driving through town to the Casino, there is a close up of the glove box with props such as the knife, drugs/pills and the rope shown in the hospital sequence. These link to his doctor character but leaves the question to the audience why has a got drugs in his car and what is he going to use them for?

Rhianna Henson-Smith

Audience for the thriller genre

Psycho thrillers - this generally involves a psychologically disturbed character and gets the audience into their head to show how messed up the film is due to this particular character. Silence of the lambs is a great example as the film messes with the audiences head giving you an insight to how hannibal thinks, linking to our doctor and his mind state within ours.

A thriller genre: Consists of keeping the audience tense and suspenseful. It also uses excitement to link in with the suspense and tention as another main feature within thriller films. The most common sub-genre of thrillers are psycho thrillers, these particular thrillers consist of a psychologically diturbered murderer and a good hearted main character fighting against this mental foe.

Main goal:  To keep the audience anticipating in order to be able to play with there minds and constantly suprise them when they are least expecting it. The anxiety created by this keep the audience glued to their seat constantly trying to guess the plot.

The target audience: Of thriller based films as well as depending on the sub-genre are normally thrill seekers that wish to constantly think ahead of the story. People that like to follow the plot and try to guess what will happen are a perfect audience for thrillers as it gives the director new ideas. When this kind of audience are constantly predicting the outcome of the plot it allows the director to go completely against any ideas the audience may have and suprise them in ways they would not have thought of.
- For example - In leon the deaths of characters throws the audience into another direction. Generally children and main characters are not killed off, however a small child is killed in the first half of the film and the main character is killed off at the end. This type of thriller strays away from stereotypical plots also leading the audience away whilst watching.
This therefore rules out the younger generation as a potential target audience as they would need to be able to keep up and understand the plot of the film as well as the twist and turns that feature within the genre.

Online research: From doing online research I found that the typical age range that thriller films are popular with is 55+ years. I have already evaluated certificate ratings for our film and have decided that it was a 18 rating, this therefore allows only people over 18 to watch our film. As our film features a doctor and is quite a modern and clever spin, I believe our audience would mostly be males aged 25+. 

Rhianna Henson-Smith

Knives that could be used within Doctor 6:19

 These are knives that I have found at home that could be our weapon within our film, all are big and look like the type of weapon that Damien could easily get hold of, from home or from a shop. We picked to use a knife instead of props such as a gun because the mental imagine of being stabbed is more brutal. To be stabbed takes a calculated act where the person knows exactly what they are doing and has to be closer to the victim to kill them than if they were to shoot a gun.

Rhianna Henson-Smith