Wednesday 11 March 2015

Note to Moderator

Dear Moderator,

Thank you for marking my AS media blog. My brief was to create the opening of a film in the Thriller genre. I have chosen to create mine in the sub-genre of a psychological thriller. My target audience are middle aged males aged 30-40 and thrill seekers. I have used labels to make it easily navigable in order to find what you are looking for.

Yours sincerely,
Rhianna Henson-Smith
Madeleine Fox
Sara Campeggi.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Evaluation Question 2.2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? - Madeleine Fox (Candidate Number = 2055)

Our only other character during our film opening, is portrayed by Sara Campeggi, as a young adult (aged 18) who is a victim of DR. Damien's serial murders. We first spot her outside have a cigarette, this adds to the theme of abusing God's teaching ("your body is a temple").

We dressed Sara in a typical outfit, combining a pair of jeans, a jumper and a navy jacket. We thought that we could either dress her in a stereotypical nightclub outfit (such as a short dress), however we wanted to portray her as a vulnerable victim, therefore opting for the died-down outfit!

When researching other similar female victims from psycho-thrillers, I came across Janet Leigh's role as Marion Crane in the 1960 film "Psycho". (She portrayed the stereotypical blonde  and attractive female victim.) And in a similar way we wanted to create that sense of innocence/ purity with Sara's unnamed character, so the audience wold be allowed to sympathize with her. Although at the same time we did need to portray that nightclub vibe, so we shot the scene at night (with dark, shady lighting which stereotypically represents danger and at the same time she was stood under an orange street light to replicate the use of police search lights (this suggests to the audience that the doctor has an evil alter-ego)!

Sunday 15 February 2015

Evaluation Question 4: What would the target audience for our media product be? - Madeleine Fox (Candidate Number = 2055)

Who would be the target audience?

Our target audience is a middle aged man, as they have been proven to view psycho-thrillers more than any other category of audience. They are said to like the extreme tension and mystery held throughout the film and enjoy the darkness/ shadiness to characters more than your stereotypical TV male character the 'white van man' (who is dull and average)!

  • A middle aged man between 30-40 is said to enjoy hobbies such as cycling, running or going to the gym. 
  • They are said to shop at any shop that includes mens clothing or outdoors kit, such as Timberland or Cotswold Outdoor. This is due to the stereotypical masculine vibe.
  • They tend to listen to rock music such as Deep Purple, GunsnRoses or ACDC... This genre of music tends to include heavy drum beats, with extreme guitar skills. Therefore a link can be found between the intensity of the thriller genre and the rock.
  • Middle aged males tend to watch TV shows to do with sports and cars, such as the Football or Top Gear. These shows tend to be non-fiction, which males are supposed to be more inclined to (as they liked to learn new skills which are stereotypical for men to have, such as how to change a tire...).
The audience gender however could be a mixture of both females and males of any age over 15; it all depends on their characteristics and personality.

Being a psycho-thriller, the film will receive an audience that has an interest in psychology perhaps or the human mind.

We also decided that our film would have a certificate rating of 15+, as we thought some scenes during the film may prove too intense for children under 15. However the film proved too safe to be an 18+, as it had no indecent scenes.